The Wisbech Society

and Preservation Trust Limited

Events Calendar: programme of events and outings. Talks will be held at Wisbech General Cemetery Chapel, North End, Wisbech PE13 1PE, other events as indicated. Non-members are most welcome to attend talks for a donation of £3.00 each, and other events at indicated cost.

Our next event

Summer Garden Party

Wisbech Castle is the location for this year’s garden party with musical entertainment from the Rusty Relics.

£23 per person (£26 non members)

Booking essential

All upcoming events

Wisbech Pub Crawl!

Saturday 24 August 2024

Wisbech Pub Crawl!

Andy Ketley conducts a tour to pubs past and present along the North Brink. Walk (crawl) commences at 5.30pm outside the Wisbech Corn Exchange.

Members free - non members welcome to attend for a donation of £3 per person.

Coach outing - Cambridge Modern Arts

Wednesday 04 September 2024

Coach outing - Cambridge Modern Arts

Depart from Somers Road at 8.30am for a day in Cambridge (without parking problems!).

We will compare the old architecture of the Cambridge Colleges with examples of newly completed major buildings such as the new mosque. Depart Cambridge 4pm.

£25 per person (non members £29)

Booking essential.

Friends of Wisbech General Cemetery - Heritage Walk

Sunday 08 September 2024

Friends of Wisbech General Cemetery - Heritage Walk

The Friends of Wisbech General Cemetery are hosting a heritage walk focusing on the wildlife, monuments and chapel in this beautiful Victorian cemetery.

Meet outside the chapel - guided walks at 11am and 2pm – there is a charge of £3 for adults, and children and members free.

Contact Sue Beel on 01945 584319 for more details.

AGM and Francis Pryor

Monday 07 October 2024

AGM and Francis Pryor

Our AGM will be followed by an address from our President Professor Francis Pryor MBE

You are welcome to attend this evening talk to be held at Wisbech General Cemetery Chapel, North End, Wisbech PE13 1PE

Non-members are welcome for a donation of £3 per person. Members and children free.

Wilfred Hanchant: the Wisbech years

Monday 04 November 2024

Wilfred Hanchant: the Wisbech years

Professor Keith Rix will complete his life of Wilfred Hanchant. This final episode of the former Wisbech Museum curator reveals The Wisbech Years: what did this difficult man do for Wisbech, and what did he think of Wisbechians? - perhaps better not to know!

You are welcome to attend this evening talk to be held at Wisbech General Cemetery Chapel, North End, Wisbech PE13 1PE

Non-members are welcome for a donation of £3 per person. Members and children free.

Quiz Night 2024

Monday 02 December 2024

Quiz Night 2024

Eric Somerville will host his news quiz of the year accompanied by a drink and mince pies. A light-hearted social event.

All welcome to attend this evening event to be held at Wisbech General Cemetery Chapel, North End, Wisbech PE13 1PE

Non-members are welcome for a donation of £3 per person. Members and children free.


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